Monday, February 16, 2009

FUNDRAISER - MARCH 7 -6:00pm Guys Party Center

Reminders for the Silent Auction Fundraiser: If you have items for the silent auction be sure to drop them off at Guy's Party center the day of the event from Noon until 3PM.

If you have any questions contact Jeff. If you need any donation forms or letters see the end of this month's Smoke.

Here is a link to the Feb 2009 smoke:

Be sure to take this month's Poll. At the last concil meeting one of the topics we talked about is falling attendance at the fascar event. Should we drop this event - is our tribe too old for fascar - are kids into Xbox and not car? Let us know your thoughts.

Last month's poll was a 50/50 split between going to a Y-Camp vs primitive campout (with 3 people incluing myself voting "don't care")

Looking forward to the Raffle - see you all there.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

FASCAR - Results!!!

What a good time - eh? Many thanks to Tom and the rest of the Comanche for sponsering and running today's fascar event. I think all went very well. You guys just seem to have the system down and run this event like a well oiled machine.

We took a lot of photos - many of which have captions, so be sure to scan thru them. Also feel free to put in some captions/words of your own.
As far as tips/tricks I talked with a lot of the winners this year. No real secrets on building a car. Most this year used graphite based lube (i.e pinewood derby dry lube) last year the big winners mostly used 3-1 oil or WD40 (that was Kurt). Some of the cars had the dad do a lot of work, but some of the fastest carst had no work other than adding weight and wheels.
I found another blog site of a Y-group in texas and some guy put up his tips. This guide groups runs with 24oz on their cars so some things are different - but this guy does have some interesting tips:

For our event - Here is some youtube video of two of the finals:
8-9 year old finals:

Congrats Blaine and Scott

10-12 year old Finals:

Congrats to PJ and Paul

Sorry but I did not video the 5-7 year old finals (forgot my flip camera and had to run back home to get it)
Here are the Results:

1st Place - Indian Theme Ages 5-7 William Campbell Apache
2nd Place - Indian Theme Ages 5-7 Tyler Crawford Seneca
1st Place - Open Theme Ages 5-7 Spencer Ausel Comanche
2nd Place - Open Theme Ages 5-7 Gauge Krumlauf Mohawk
1st Place - Speed Ages 5-7 Logan Breslin Arapaho
2nd Place - Speed Ages 5-7 Barrett Scheatzle Arapaho
3rd Place - Speed Ages 5-7 Noah Leemaster Navajo
1st Place - Indian Theme Ages 8-9 Logan Knoebel Comanche
2nd Place - Indian Theme Ages 8-9 Justin Morris Mohawk
1st Place - Open Theme Ages 8-9 Justin Crowl Cherokee
2nd Place - Open Theme Ages 8-9 Will Smith Cherokee
1st Place - Speed Ages 8-9 Blaine Rossiter Cherokee
2nd Place - Speed Ages 8-9 Justin Crowl Cherokee
3rd Place - Speed Ages 8-9 Brevan Miller Crow
1st Place - Indian Theme Ages 10-12 Matt Campbell Apache
2nd Place - Indian Theme Ages 10-12 Brandon Morris Mohawk
1st Place - Open Theme Ages 10-12 Jake Ewing Cherokee
2nd Place - Open Theme Ages 10-12 Peyton Krumlauf Mohawk
1st Place - Speed Ages 10-12 PJ Scheatzle Arapaho
2nd Place - Speed Ages 10-12 Jacob Waller Apache
3rd Place - Speed Ages 10-12 Michael Livers Crow

We have a lot of pictures this time - some from me many from Jeff. I just added in Jeff's: Feel free to make comments. (Double click images to bring up a new window)

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Some earlier versions of this month's smoke were wrong.


Location: Camp YNoah Dining Hall

Race date: Saturday, February 7th

Times: Races will start promptly by age group as follows:

Ages 5-7: 9:00 - 10:30 am
Ages 8-9: 10:30 - 12:00 pm
Ages 10-12: 12:00-1:00 pm

REMEMBER YOU MUST CHECK YOUR CAR IN ON FRIDAY NIGHT (from 6-8pm). Every year there is always some poor little brave who did not check their car in and just shows up at the race. Wewill NOT let them race. It would be unfair to the rest of the tribe. There are reasons for the nightbefore checkin. Remember Anybody can check a car little brave not required to be there.

Also - for those that go to the web site (there is 3 perhaps 4 people) - the hosting service AGAIN will not let me update the site. I'm sorry but the smoke and monthly updates did not happen. I've just spent the better part of a Sunday afternoon fighting with that web hosting and that site. An afternoon that I am sitting inside while my kids are outside playing WITHOUT me. Anybody have issues if I shut the site down? Anybody use it? I'm more than frustrated today about that web site.

Don't forget sell raffle tickets, and let your chief know if you will be staying over for the campout Sat night

As an update the WEB site is again updated. I have updated and here is Jan's SMOKE:

-Big Dog