Saturday, March 21, 2015

Manikiki Nation Spring Schedule


Late Night at the Y- March 21st at the the Green Y from 6PM until 12PM
The pool will be open from 6-8. Open Gym all-night. Free Pizza and Drinks!

Cleveland Aquarium-April 18th, 10 AM until 5 PM. $15 Big braves/$10 Little Braves

Spring Campout- A new camp this time! May 1-3 at Camp Kon O Kwee 
The camp is a couple of hours east of us in PA. 
More info about the camp can be found at

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


The FASCAR races ran pretty well.  We used a little different format to allow each little brave the chance to run more races with the assistance of a new software program.  Even when the power cord was kicked, we were still able to resume without to much of a problem. (Note to self, use laptop next time)