Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Welcome to GREEN YMCA Indian Guides BLOG Site

Welcome to the Blog Site of Green YMCA Indian Guides

We welcome all guides both little and big from our nation to join the blog and become a "Follower". The Blog is a way to interact more as a tribe. Followers can post comments and give feedback. Give the nation your ideas and share your images and experiences. What makes a blog work is that it's an interactive site.

As the web spinner - I will also update the nation images and post on a regular basis. The official web site will still contain the monthly smokes and official business. This blog is more of our play site to interact with one and other.

I will make a blog posts when new web content is available and directly link to it. This will be a good way to push the smoke and monthly event information to the tribe

If you subscribe to this blog then you will automatically receive new content. What does subscribing mean? In simplest terms you can add this blog to your homepage. For example if you use a Yahoo or Goggle type homepage, then this blog will show up as content. As the content on this blog changes - it will change on your homepage - like when news stories update.

If you are having trouble with this site and have any questions or find bugs- send me an email to jpwiggo@yahoo.com

I don't have all the kinks and bugs worked out of this blog yet but feel free to start bogging - Nothing bad can happen.

Big Dog

In the meantime - here is a great video about Indian Guides and why we exist. This video is from the Timucan Federation in Jacksonville, FL. Although they went the "Adventure Guide" route - they still seem to hold the respect for the indian ways. It is a great video.

1 comment:

Rick Crowl said...

Very cool Jamie. I can see this becoming a greast communication tool for the nation.