Saturday, August 11, 2012

Drive Inn Movie Night Friday August 24th

Bring your whole family to the Blue Sky Drive-in on Friday August 24th.  The first movie is “ParaNorman” (rated PG) and starts at 9:15 pm, the second movie will most likely be Spider Man 3 and starts at about 11:00 pm or so.  We are negotiating prices now and will let you know as soon as possible how much per vehicle it will cost.

Note that movies are subject to change, but a good time will be had regardless of what we see.  We will have a roped off area for our Nation and will be tailgating before the movies so come early for hot dogs, juice, water, chips, and prizes!  You are also allowed to bring in your own food and drinks if you want.

Please note that the Laser Quest recruiting event originally scheduled for August did not work out, so we are returning to the family-favorite drive-in movie.  We hope to reschedule a LQ event in the future as time and budget concerns allow.

The followoing information has been lifted from"The Smoke". all rights reserved. TK

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